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Table of contents

  1. Overview
  2. Same line
  3. Multiple conditions
  4. Match
    1. Array
    2. Cases
    3. Default case


Conditions prevent lines from running if they don’t pass a test.
They are written between {{}} tags.

Head Description Example
IF or empty The classic if statement. You don’t need to type if though. IF apples > oranges
apples > oranges
ELIF If the previous condition failed, this one will be checked. ELIF apples > pears
ELSE If all other conditions failed, this will occur.ELSE  
MATCH A condensed pattern. MATCH apples

Same line

This line will only show if the condition is met.

tramp: Spare some change? 

Multiple conditions

    The player has money,
    it's morning,
    and two plus two is still four!

    Things aren't go well, I suppose.


Check out the Godot explanation.

They can be a lot nicer/neater than if-else statements.

Match assumes the $ (State) by default, but you can use any other.

{{MATCH time.weekday}}
        @sfx sad_audio
        john: Glad [b]mondays[] over.
        It's the middle of the week.
        john: The whole vibe shifts on thursday!
        @sfx happy_audio
        john: Aw yeah, friday!
        It's the weekend.


You can use AND to test against an array.

{{MATCH time.month AND time.day_of_month AND time.period}}
        It's Christmas eve. Get to bed.
        Christmas morning!
    {(DECEMBER 25 _)}
        It's Christmas!


Cases use {()} instead of {{}}.

Case assume the * (Var) by default, but you can use any other.

{(TUESDAY)}             # "TUESDAY"
{(true)}                # true
{(x,y,1)}               # ["x", "y", 1]
{(class:archer lvl:3)}  # {"class": "archer", "lvl": 3}
{($score)}              # State.score
{(_)}                   # Special blank key

To test against mutltiple cases in the same brackets, use OR.

{(east OR west OR _)}
{(tint:green OR tint:blue OR tint:red)}

Default case

Like Godot, the _ key will be treated as an ELSE or default option. It will always evaluate to true.